

  • Currently, the total area under full cycle management of our company has reached 3,000 ha. Join us and manage your forest according to top quality requirements.

  • Highly productive and high-quality forest does not grow itself, it must be grown, since forest that grows naturally and is not managed is characterised by low productivity and low timber quality. Our company will manage your forests and provide comprehensive forest management after harvesting. We do not only harvest forests, but also manage them after harvesting.

  • Company EL FOREST provides a full forest management cycle in accordance with the best Latvian standards.

If you or any of your family members own forest, you shall definitely need to consult our professionals to learn what the best price that you can receive for your forest property is. We guarantee a quick review of applications, as well as immediate payment at the moment of conclusion of the contract. Apply for a consultation here or call any of our professionals on the phone – +371 20209888.